L., A.
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
L., E.V.
E.V. Lucas
Lacy, Ed
Len (Leonard S.) Zinberg (1911-1968)
Lacy, Tira
Rita Clay Estrada
Ladd, Linda (King)
[Jillian Roth]
Ladd, Veronica
Jane Claypool Miner
Lafayette, Rene
L(a Fayette) Ron(ald) Sr. Hubbard (1911-1986)
Laffin, John
[Mark Napier, Dirk Sabre]
Laforest-Divonne, Comtesse Philomene de
[Claude Silve]
la Frederic Henri Joseph Petitjean de
» (de la Rosiere, Frederic Henri Joseph Petitjean) Frederic Henri Joseph Petitjean de la Rosiere
la Fuente, Patricia de
» (de la Fuente, Patricia) Patricia de la Fuente
[Denis Pierard]
La Goulue, Jeanne
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lagrandval, Jeanne de
[Jeanne de Coulomb]
La Guard, Theodore De
» (De La Guard, Theodore) Nathaniel Ward
Lahey, Karen
[Elizabeth Albright]
Laidlaw, Matt
John Paxton Sheriff
Laine, Jimmy
Abel Ferrara
Laing, Patrick
Amelia R. Long
Lake, Deborah
[David Lomas, Vanessa Shaw]
Lake, Joe Barry (1909-)
[Joe Barry]
Lake, Kenneth Robert
[Robert Boyer, Arthur King, Mentor, Ken Roberts, Fred Souter, Zeno]
Lake, M.D.
Allen Simpson
James Allen Simpson (1934-)
Lake, Rozella
Janey Scott
Lake, Simon
Charles L(ewis) Grant (1942-)
Laker, Rosalind
Barbara Kathleen Øvstedal (1925-)
la Mare, Walter John de
» (de la Mare, Walter John) Walter John de la Mare
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834)
Lamb, Charlotte
Sheila Holland (1937-)
Lamb, Geoffrey Frederick (1904-)
Lamb, Nick
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lamb, William
Mrs. Guy Chapman (1897-)
Lambert, Arthur
Arthur L. "Art" Widner
Lambert, Bill
[Willa Lambert]
Lambert, Christine
Heidi Huberta Freybe (1914-1981)
Lambert, Derek (William) (1929-)
[Richard Falkirk]
Lambert, Frederick Arthur
[Frederick Arthur]
Lambert, Leslie Harrison (1883-1940)
[A.J. Alan]
Lambert, Willa
Bill Lambert
Lambert, William J. III
Lambert Wilhelm
Lambot, Isobel Mary
[Daniel Ingham, Mary Turner]
Lambourne, John
John Battersby Crompton Lambum
Lambum, John Battersby Crompton
[John Lambourne]
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton (1890-1969)
[Richmal Crompton]
Lamon, Heidi Huberta Freybe Loewengard
Heidi Huberta Freybe (1914-1981)
Lamon, Mrs. Sydney J.
Heidi Huberta Freybe (1914-1981)
Lamont, Duncan
E(dwin) C(harles) Tubb (1919-)
Lamont, Marianne
Anne (Lamb) Rundle (-1989)
LaMoore, Louis Dearborn (1908-1988)
[Tex Burns, Louis L'Amour, Jim Mayo]
L'Amour, Louis
Louis Dearborn LaMoore (1908-1988)
Lamplugh, Lois
Lois Carlile Davis
Lampman, Evelyn (Sibley) (1907-1980)
[Lynn Bronson]
Lamprey, A.C.
Robert L(loyd) Fish (1912-1981)
Lancaster, Joan
Marlene J. Anderson
Lancaster, Shelia
Sheila Holland (1937-)
Lancaster, Vicky
Dorothy Phoebe Ansle
Lancaster, William Joseph Cosens (1851-1922)
[Harry Collingwood]
Lance, Kathryn (1943-)
[Lynn Beach]
Lance, Leslie
Irene Maude Swatridge
Lanchester, F.W.
[Paul Netherton-Harris]
Lancing, George
Bluebell M. Hunter
Lancour, Gene
Gene Fisher
Land, Jane (& Ross)
Kathryn Borland (1916-)
Helen Ross Speicher (1915-)
Land, Milton
Talmadge Powell
Landau, Mark Aleksandrovich (1886-1957)
[M(ark A.) Aldanov]
Lande, Lawrence Montagne
Thomas Greenwood
L'Andelyn, Charles de
Jules Pittard (1892-1976)
Landis, Arthur
Arthur Leroy Kaser (1890-1956)
Landis, Marie
Marie Antoinette Landis Edwards (1935?-)
Landon, Nancy
Nancy Berland
Landreth, Marsha
[Tyler Cortland]
Lane, Arthur
F(rederick) Orlin Tremaine (1899-1956)
Lane, Grant
Stephen (Steve) Gould Fischer (1912-1980)
Stephen (Steve) Gould Fisher (1912-)
Lane, Jane
Elaine K. Dakers
Lane, John
Dennis T. Hughes
Lane, Kenneth Westmacott
[Keith West]
Lane, Mary D.
Mary Murray Delaney
Lane, Roumelia
Janey Scott
Lanf, Frances
Winifred Langford Mantle (1911-)
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
[A Huge Longway]
Lang, Eve
Ruth Ryan Langan
Lang, Grace
Lee Floren
Lang, King
David A. Griffiths
Oswyn Robert Tregonwell Hay (1922-)
Brian Holloway
John W(illiam) Jennison (-1969?)
E(dwin) C(harles) Tubb (1919-)
Lang, Simon
Darlene Hartman (1934-)
Langan, Ruth Ryan
[Eve Lang]
Langart, Darrel T.
(Gordon) Randall (Phillip David) Garrett (1927-1987)
Lange, John
(John) Michael Crichton (1942-)
Lange, John Frederick Jr. (1931-)
[John Norman]
Langell, Sears
Alan (Allen?) Glasser
Langford, Jane
Winifred Langford Mantle (1911-)
Langholm, Neil
(Henry) Kenneth Bulmer (1921-)
Laurence James (1942-)
Langley, Dorothy
Mrs. Dorothy H. Kissling
Langley, Helen
Donald S(ydney) Rowland (1928-)
Langley, Tania
Tilly Armstrong
Langstaff, Launcelot
Washington Irving (1783-1859)
James Kirk Paulding
Languereau, Maurice
[M-L Caumery]
Lanham, Cheryl
Cheryl Arguile
Lanigan, Catherine
[Joan Wilder]
Lansdale, Joe R.
[M. Dean Bayer, Jack Buchanan, Richard Dale, Jonathan Harker, Mark Simmons, Ray Slater]
Lansing, Henry
Donald S(ydney) Rowland (1928-)
Lant, Harvey
Donald S(ydney) Rowland (1928-)
Lantern, The
Don(ald Robert Perry) Marquis (1878-1937)
Lantry, Mike
E(dwin) C(harles) Tubb (1919-)
George Chetwynd-Griffith-Jones (1857-1906)
Lara, Jan
Michael (Mike) T(homas) Hinkemeyer (1940-)
la Ramée, (Marie) Louise de
» (de la Ramée, (Marie) Louise) (Marie) Louise de la Ramée
Lardner, Ring Jr.
[Jack Keefe, Philip Rush, Old Wilmer]
Largelamb, H.A.
Alexander Graham Bell
Largent, R. Karl
[Simon Lawrence]
Larity, H.I.
W.G. Hall
la Rosiere, Jean Marie Henriette Petitjean de
» (de la Rosiere, Jean Marie Henriette Petitjean) Jean Marie Henriette Petitjean de la Rosiere
LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr.
[Lyn Marcus]
Larrigan, Tex
Irene Ord
Larrimore, Lida
Lida Larrimore Turner (1897-1975)
Harold Hersey
Larrowe, Marcus Dwight
[Prof. A. Loisette]
La Salle, Victor
Gerald Evans
Robert L(ionel) Fanthorpe (1935-)
John S(tephen) Glasby (1928-)
Laski, Marghanita
Marghanita Laski Howard (1915-)
Lasko, Elaine
[Laine Allen]
Lasky, Kathryn
Kathryn Lasky Knight (1944-)
Lasly, Walt
Frederik (George) (Jr.) Pohl (1919-)
La Spina, Greye Bragg
[Baroni di Savuto, J.C. Kofoed, Isra Putnam]
Lassalle, Caroline
[Emma Cave]
Lasser, David
[Richard Penny]
Lassez, M.
H(enry James O'Brien) Bedford-Jones (1887-1949)
Latham, Jean Lee (1902-1995)
[Julian Lee]
Latham, Mavis
Mavis Thorpe Clark
Latham, Philip
Robert S(hirley) Richardson (1902-)
Lathen, Emma
Martha Henissart
Martha Hennissart
Mary Jane Latsis
Lathrop, Francis
Fritz (Reuter) Jr. Leiber (1910-1992)
Latimer, Joanne
[Jill Philips]
Latimer, Jonathan (Wyatt) (1906-1983)
[Peter Coffin]
Latis, Mary J.
Mary Jane Latsis
Latner, Helen
[Helen Stambler]
la Torre, Lillian de
» (de la Torre, Lillian) Lillian (de la Torre Bueno) McCue
La Tourette, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Gibeson
Latsis, Mary Jane
[R.B. Dominic, Emma Lathen, Mary J. Latis]
Lattarizi, Claudio
[Claude Milliken]
Latter, Simon
R(eginald) A(lec) Martin (1908-71)
Lattin, Anne
Lois Dwight Cole Taylor (1903-1979)
Lauder, George Dick
Sir George A. Dick-Lauder
Lauder, Sir George A. Dick
» (Dick-Lauder, Sir George A.) Sir George A. Dick-Lauder
Lauler, Michael
Richard Osenburg
Laumer, (John) Keith (1925-1992)
[Anthony Lebaron]
Laumer, March
[Felix Severence, Xavier Xanthus]
Launay, Andre
[Droo Launay]
Launay, Droo
Andre Launay
Laurance, Alice
Laura (Alice) W(eber) Haywood (1938-)
Laurenti, Fabrizio
[Martin Newlin]
Laurents, Clyde
[Harriet Fredericks]
Laurey, Rosemary
[Georgia Evans]
Laurie, Andre
Paschal Grousset
Laurie, Annie
Bertram John Boland (1913-1976)
Laurieres, Chrisophe des
Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961)
Laurin, Anne
Anne McLaurin
Lavado, Joaquin Salvador
Laverty, Donald
James (Benjamin) Blish (1921-1975)
Damon (Francis) Knight (1922-)
Lavin, Mary
Mary Walsh (1912-1996)
Lavington, Hubert
Hereward Carrington
Lavond, Paul Dennis
C(yril) M. Kornbluth (1924-1958)
Robert (Augustine) W(ard) Lowndes (1916-)
Frederik (George) (Jr.) Pohl (1919-)
Lawless, Anthony
Philip MacDonald (1899-1981)
Lawless, Jim
John Paxton Sheriff
Lawrence S(terne) Stevens
Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885-1930)
[Lawrence H. Davidson]
Lawrence, David
David Henry St. Lawrence Morris (1920-)
Lawrence, Deborah
Deborah (Debbi) Wood
Lawrence, James Duncan
[Victor W. II Appleton]
Lawrence, John E.
Larry Edward Johnson
Lawrence, Judith Ann
Judith Ann Lawrence (Mrs. James) Blish
Lawrence, Lesley
Lesley Lewis
Lawrence, Louise
Elizabeth (Rhoda Wintle) Holden (1943-)
Lawrence, Louise De Kiriline
[Louise De Kiriline]
Lawrence, Margery
Mrs. Arthur E. Towle
Lawrence, of Arabia
T(homas) E(dward) Lawrence (1888-1935)
Lawrence, P.
E(dwin) C(harles) Tubb (1919-)
Lawrence, Richard
L.E. Bartle
Lawrence, Simon
R. Karl Largent
Lawrence, Stephen
Lawrence S(terne) Stevens
Lawrence, Stephen (Steve) C. (& G.)
Lawrence A(ugustus) Murphy (1924-)
Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (1888-1935)
[of Arabia Lawrence, J(ohn) H(ume) Ross, L.H. Ross, T(homas) E(dward) Shaw]
Lawrenson, Helen
[Helen Brown Norden]
Lawson, Chet
E(dwin) C(harles) Tubb (1919-)
Lawson, James A.
James P. Olsen
Lawson, Michael
M.L. Ryder
Lawson, Philip
Eric J. Trimmer
Lawson, W.B.
George C(harles) Jenks (1850-)
Lawton, Charles
Charles N(ewman) Heckelmann (1913-)
Lawton, Dennis
Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944)
Laymon, Richard (Carl) (1947-)
[Richard Kelly]
Laynham, Peter
John S(tephen) Glasby (1928-)
Layton, Frank George
[Stephen Andrew]
Lazarus, Marguerite (1916-)
[Marguerite Gascoigne, Anna Gilbert]
Lazarus, The Brothers
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lazenby, Norman A.
[Martin Gulliver, J. Austin Jackson, Basil Sitty]
Lazerowitz, Alice Ambrose
[Alice Ambrose]
Lazuta, Gene (Eugene Michael) (1959-)
[Leo Axler, Alex Kane, Daniel Raven]
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lea, Ed
Geraldine Richelson
Leahy, Syrrel (Rogovin)
[Lee Harris]
Lear, Peter
Peter Lovesy (1936-)
Learsi, Rufus
Shalom Asch (1880-1957)
Israel Goldberg
Leaver, Ruth
Ruth Tomalin
Lebaron, Anthony
(John) Keith Laumer (1925-1992)
Leberecht, Peter
Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853)
Le Bouthillier, Theodore Edward
» (Allbeury, Theodore (Ted) Edward le Bouthillier) Theodore (Ted) Edward le Bouthillier Allbeury
Le Breton, Thomas
T. Murray Ford
le Cagat, Benat
Rod(ney) Whitaker (1925-)
Lecale, Errol
Wilfred McNeilly
LeCarré, John
David John Moore Cornwell (1931-)
Lecavele, Roland (Maurice)
[Roland Dorgeles]
Leckie, Peter M.
[Peter Martin]
LeCompte, Jane
[Jane Ashford]
Lee, Amanda
Nancy Baggett
Eileen Buckholtz (1949-)
Ruth (Burtnick) Glick (1942-)
Lee, Andrew
Louis Auchincloss (1917-)
Lee, Arthur S.G.
[Arthur Lee Gould]
Lee, Austin (1904-1965)
[John Austwick, Julian Callender]
Lee, Charles
Roger Phillips Graham (1909-1965)
Lee, David
Talmadge Powell
Lee, Don L.
Haki R. Madhubuti (1942-)
Lee, Edward
E.L. Fouts
L(ee) Edward Seymour (1957-)
Lee, Edward Edson (1884-1944)
[Leo Edwards]
Lee, Elsie
Elsie Lee Sheridan
(1912-) [Elsie Cromwell, Norman Daniels, Jane Gordon, Lee Sheridan]
Lee, Francis
Lee, Griffin
P(aschal) B(everly) Randolph (1825-1874)
Lee, Gypsy Rose
Georgiana Ann Randolph (1908-1957)
Lee, Howard
Ron(ald Joseph) Goulart (1933-)
Barry N(orman) Malzberg (1939-)
Lee, Howard M.
[H. McCarty-Lee]
Lee, Julian
Jean Lee Latham (1902-1995)
Lee, Linda
L.E. Bramwell
Lee, Manford B.
Manfred Bennington Lepovsky (1905-1971)
Lee, Matt
Sam(uel Kimball) Jr. Merwin (1910-)
Lee, Norman (1905-1962)
[Raymond Armstrong, Mark Corrigan, Robertson Hobart]
Lee, Patrick
Patrick Andrews
Mark K. Roberts
Lee, Rachel
Susan Civil-Brown
Lee, Ranger
Charles H(orace) Snow (1877-1967)
Lee, Robert (Eggert)
P(aul) W. Fairman (1916-1977)
Lee, Rosie
Joan (Delano) Aiken (1924-)
Lee, Roy
Arthur Leroy Kaser (1890-1956)
Lee, Samantha
Maggie Webb
Lee, Steve
Michael (Patrick) Parry (1947)
Lee, Tanith
Tanith Lee Kaiine (1947-)
Lee, Vernon
Violet Paget (1856-1935)
Lee, Warner
Brinton Warner Battin (1941-)
Lee, Wayne C. (1917-)
[Lee Sheldon]
Lee, Wendi
Wendi Lee Beatty
Lee, Willy (William)
William S. Burroughs (1914-)
Leek, Margaret
Sara Bowen-Judd (1922-)
Leeming, Jill
[Jill Chaney]
LeFontaine, J(oseph) R(aymond Herve) (1927-)
[Herve Aruba, Dan Cingfox, Eniatnof El Evreh, Evreh Dnomyar Hpesoj Eniatnofel, Sebastian Largo Gregory, Joseph Herve, Charlotte Raymond, J(oseph) H. Raymond]
Léger, Aléxis St.
[St. John Perse]
Le Graeme, D.A.
Dale Graham
Le Grand, Maurice
Lehman, Paul Evan
[Paul Evan]
Lehnus, Opal Hull
[Opal Hull]
Leibenguth, Charla Ann
Charla Ann Leibenguth Banner
Leiber, Fritz (Reuter) Jr. (1910-1992)
[Fritz Keiber, Francis Lathrop]
Leigh, Ana
Anna Lee Baier
Leigh, Jackie
Deborah Smith
Leigh, Petra
Peter Ling
Leigh, Roberta
Janey Scott
Leigh, Robin
Robin Lee Hatcher
Leighton, J.G.
John Cole
Leighton, Lee
Wayne D. Overholser (1906-1996)
Leighton, Len
Lewis B(yford) Patten (1915-)
Leinster, Murray
Will(iam) F(itzgerald) Jenkins (1896-1975)
Leipiar, Louise
[L. Major Reynolds]
Leisk, David J(ohnson) (1906-1975)
[Crockett Johnson]
Leitch, Lavinia
Lavinia Hynd
Lejeune, Anthony
Edward Anthony Thompson (1928-)
Lemery, Alysse
Alis A. Rasmussen (1958-)
Lemke, Harry E.
Richard (Dick) (Presley) Tooker (1902-1988)
Lemke, Henry E.
Richard (Dick) (Presley) Tooker (1902-1988)
Le Mon, Lynn
Lynette L. Wert
Le Moyne, R.
Harold Hersey
Lenanton, Carola M(ary Anima Oman) (1897-1978)
[Carola Oman]
Lenau, Nicholaus
Niclaus Franz Niembsch von Strehlenau (1802-1850)
L'Engle, Madeleine
Madeleine L'Engle Camp Franklin (1918-)
Lennard, H.K.
John S(tephen) Glasby (1928-)
Lennox, Jacquelyn
Deborah Smith
Lennox, John
Alfred Bester (1913-1987)
Lenore, Lisa
Craig Howard "Skip" Broude
Lenotre, G.
Louis Leon Theodore Gosselin
Lent, Blair
[Ernest Small]
Lenzi, Umberto
[Humphrey Humbert]
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Sean O'Casey (1880-1964)
Leodhas, Sorche Nic
Leclaire Gowans Alger (1898-1969)
Leon, Henry Cecil (1902-1976)
[Henry Cecil, Clifford Maxwell]
Leonard, Charles L.
Mary Violet Heberden
Leonard, Hugh
John Keyes Byrne (1926-)
Leone, Adele
[Charlotte Austen]
Le Page, Rand
William H.F. Bird
John S(tephen) Glasby (1928-)
Brian Holloway
David W(right) O'Brien (1887?-1944)
Cyril Protheroe
Arthur Roberts
Lepovsky, Manfred Bennington (1905-1971)
[Manford B. Lee, Ellery Queen, Barnaby Ross]
Leppoc, Derfla
Alfred(o José de Araña) Coppel (1921-)
l'Ermite, Pierre
Edmond Loutil
Le Roulx, E.
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
LeRoy, JT
Laura Albert
LeRoyd, Raymond
T.W. Wade
Lerteth, Oben
Robert L(ionel) Fanthorpe (1935-)
LeSieg, Theo
Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991)
Leslie, Doris (Baby)
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Leslie, Josephine
[R.A. Dick]
Leslie, Lilian
Archer Leslie Hood
Violet Lilian Perkins
Leslie, Miriam
Philip L. Ketchum (1902-1969)
William E. Daniel Ross
Leslie, O.H.
Henry Slesar (1927-)
Leslie, Rochelle
Graham Diamond
Leslie, Susan
[Ashley Allyn, Evelyn Grey]
Lesperance, David
[Gene A. Davidson]
Lesser, Derwin
Charles D. Hornig
Lesser, Milton (1928-)
[Adam Chase, Andrew Frazer, Darius John Granger, Stephen Marlowe, Ellery Queen, Jason Ridgway, S.M. Tenneshaw, C.H. Thames]
Lessing, Doris (May) (1919-)
[Jane Somers]
Lessing, W.E.
[Dolton Edwards]
Lester, Irwin
(Murray) Fletcher Pratt (1897-1956)
Lester, Jane
Emily Kathleen Walker
Lester, Samantha
L(ester) V. "Sam" Roper (1931-1998)
L'Estrange, Anna
Rosemary (Anne L'Estrange) Ellerbeck
Lethbridge, Rex
Roy Meyers
Levanthal, Lionel (1937-)
[Alan K(ingsley) Russell]
Level, Jeanne Mareteux
» (Mareteux-Level, Jeanne) Jeanne Mareteux-Level
Level, Maurice
Jeanne Mareteux-Level
Leventon, Vladimir Ivan
[Val Lewton]
Lever, Charles
[Harry Lorrequer, Cornelius O'Dowd]
Levi, Eliphas
Alphonse L. Constant
Levin, Jane Whitbread
[Jane Whitbread]
Levin, Richard
[Cyril Mand]
Levine, Josh
[(Dr.) Maurice K. Byte]
Levitt, Al
[Tom August]
Lewes, Cady
Bernard Augustine De Voto (1897-1955)
Lewesdon, John
Albert Scott Daniell (1906-1965)
Lewing, Anthony C.
[Mark Bannerman, Rowena Carter]
Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair (1885-1951)
[Tom Graham, Sinclair Lewis]
Lewis, Alfred Henry (1857-1914)
[(Dan) Quin]
Lewis, C(ecil) D(ay) (1904-1972)
[Nicholas Blake]
Lewis, C(live) S(taples) (1898-1963)
[N.W. Clerk, Clive Hamilton, Jack Lewis, N. W.]
Lewis, Charles
Roger Dixon
Lewis, Charlotte Armstrong (1905-1969)
[Charlotte Armstrong, Jo Valentine]
Lewis, Clifford
J(ohn) R(ussell) Fearn (1908-1960)
Lewis, D.B.
(Drexel) Jerome (Lewis) Bixby (1923-1998)
Lewis, D.B. Wyndham
[Timothy Shy]
Lewis, Deborah
Charles L(ewis) Grant (1942-)
Lewis, Debrah
James (J.C.) Conaway
Lewis, Ernest Michael Roy (1913-)
[Roy Lewis]
Lewis, Frederick
F. Collins
Lewis, J(ohn) R(oyston) (1933-)
[Roy Lewis]
Lewis, Jack
C(live) S(taples) Lewis (1898-1963)
Lewis, Janet
Janet Lewis Winters (1899-1998)
Lewis, Lesley
[Lesley Lawrence]
Lewis, Mary Christianna Milne (1907-1988)
[Mary Ann Ashe, (Mary) Christianna (Milne) Brand, Annabel Jones, Mary Roland, China Thompson]
Lewis, Mervyn
Glyn Frewer
Lewis, Mildred Alexander (1888-)
[Sandra Alexander]
Lewis, Morgan
Ralph Prentice
Lewis, Paul
Noel B. Gerson
Lewis, Preston
[Will Camp]
Lewis, Roy
Ernest Michael Roy Lewis (1913-)
J(ohn) R(oyston) Lewis (1933-)
Lewis, Seaman
Simon L. Simpson
Lewis, Sinclair
(Harry) Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951)
Lewis, Voltaire
Edwin Ritchie
Lewitt, Shariann (1954)
[Gordon Kendall]
(1954-) [S.N. Lewitt]
Lewitt, S.N.
Shariann Lewitt (1954-)
Lewton, Val
Vladimir Ivan Leventon
Lexau, Joan M.
[Joan L. Nodset]
Ley, Robert Arthur Gordon (1911-1968)
[Martin Luther, Ray Luther, Arthur Sellings]
Ley, Willy (1906-1969)
[Robert Willey]
Leys, Helen M. (1892-1965)
[Eleanor Scott]
Leyton, Sophie
Sheila Walsh (1928-)
Li, Shanji (1902-1961)
[Huanzhulouzhu, Li Shanji]
Libertson, Susan
Elizabeth Gage
Lichfield, Swan of
Anna Seward (1742-1809)
Liddell, C.H.
Henry Kuttner (1914-1958)
C(atherine) L(ucille) Moore (1911-1987)
Lieksman, Anders
Paavo Juhani Haavikko
Lifton-Zoline, Pamela (1941-)
[Pamela A. Zoline]
Liggett, Hunter
Lauran Paine (1916-)
Lighthill, Norman
Ira B. Wilson
Lightner, A(lice) M(artha)
Alice Lightner (Mrs. Ernest) Hopf (1904-1988)
Lihn, Eric Van
» (Van Lihn, Eric) Ramón Felipe ... Alvarez-del Rey de Los Uerdes
Lilienthal, David Eli (1927-)
[David Ely]
Lilly, Ray
Richard Curtis
Lima, Sigrid De
» (De Lima, Sigrid) Sigrid Greene
Lin, Frank
Gertrude Franklin (Horn) Atherton (1857-1948)
Linaker, Mike
[Neil Hunter]
Lincoln, Geoffrey
John Mortimer
Lincoln, Jane A,
Sarah Lillian Partridge
Lind, Pamela
Saranne Dawson
Lindars, Barnabas
Frederick C. Lindars
Lindars, Frederick C.
[Barnabas Lindars]
Lindbergh, Anne
Anne Lindberg Feydy Sapieyevsky (1940-)
Linden, Oliver
Doris Caroline Abrahams (1901-1982)
Lindholm, Megan
Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden (1952-)
Lindley, Erica
Aileen Quigley (1930-)
Lindner, D. Barry
Linda DuBreuil
Lindsay, Howard
Herman Nelke (1889-1968)
Lindsay, Jack
[Richard Preston]
Lindsay, Rachel
Janey Scott
Lindsey, Patrice
Patricia Rosemoor
Lindsey, Terri
Terri Lynn Wilhelm
Line, David
Lionel Davidson (1922-)
Linebarger, Paul M(yron) A(nthony) (1913-1966)
[Felix C. Forrest, Carmichael Smith, Cordwainer Smith]
Ling, Mrs. H.H.
Mary Ann Moore-Bentley
Ling, Peter
[Petra Leigh]
Linington, (Barbara) Elizabeth (1921-)
[Anne Blaisdell, Lesley Egan, Egan O'Neill, Dell Shannon]
Lint, Charles (Henri Diederick Hoefsmit) de
» (de Lint, Charles (Henri Diederick Hoefsmit)) Charles (Henri Diederick Hoefsmit) de Lint
Linz, Cathie
Cathie Linz Baumgardner
Lionel, Robert
Robert L(ionel) Fanthorpe (1935-)
Lipkind, William (1904-1974)
Lippincott, Sara Jane
[Grace Greenwood]
Liquori, Sal
Betty Anne Crawford
Lisle, Holly
Holly Lisle Deaton
Liston, B.E.
Berkeley Livingston (1909-1975)
Liston, E.J.
Berkeley Livingston (1909-1975)
Littel, John S.
[John Anthony]
Little, Bentley
[Philip Emmons]
Little, Constance
[Conyth Little]
Little, Conyth
Constance Little
Gwyneth Little
Little, Frances
(Mrs.) Fannie (Frances) Caldwell Macauley (1863-1941)
Little, Gwyneth
[Conyth Little]
Little, Paul H.
[Paula Minton, Hugo Paul]
Littlewit, Humphrey
H(oward) P(hillips) Lovecraft (1890-1937)
Littman, Pascal
Ruth Littman
Arlene Pascal
Littman, Ruth
[Pascal Littman]
Livia, Anna
Anna Livia Julian Brawn (1955-)
Livingston, Berkeley (1909-1975)
[Alexander Blade, B.E. Liston, E.J. Liston]
Livingston, Georgette
Diane Crawford
Livingston, Grace
Grace Livingston Hill-Lutz (1865-1947)
Livingston, Herb
[H.B. Hickey]
Livingstone, Harrison Edward
[John Fairfield]
Llewellyn, Edward
Edward Llewellyn-Thomas (1917-1984)
Llewellyn-Thomas, Edward (1917-1984)
[Edward Llewellyn]
Lloyd, Charles
Charles L. Birkin
Lloyd, Herbert
J(ohn) R(ussell) Fearn (1908-1960)
Lloyd, Levanah
Maureen Peters (1935-)
Llywelyn, Morgan
Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
Lobb, Charlotte
[Charlotte Maclay]
Lobo, George Edmund (1894-1971)
[Oliver Sherry]
Loch, Joice M.
[Joice M. Nankivell]
Locke, Charles F.
[George McLociard]
Locke, David Ross
[Petroleum V. Nasby]
Locke, E. Wynton
Edgar Barnes-Austin
Locke, George W(alter) (1936-)
[Gordon Walters]
Locke, Joseph
Ray Garton
Locke, Martin
W(illiam) Murdoch Duncan (1909-1976)
Locke, Robert D.
[Roger Arcot]
Locke, Stanley
[Ormley Gumfudgin]
Lockeridge, Frances & Richard
Frances Louise Davis
Richard Orson (1898-1982)
Lockhard, Leonard
Theodore L. Thomas
Loden, Earl (Erle) Van
» (Van Loden, Earl (Erle)) Lisle Willis
Loder, John De Vere
[Cornelius Cofyn]
Loewengard, Heidi Huberta Freybe
Heidi Huberta Freybe (1914-1981)
Loewengard-Griffith, Heidi Huberta Freybe
Heidi Huberta Freybe (1914-1981)
Lofts, Nora (1904-)
[Juliet Astley, Peter Curtis]
Logan, Cait
Lois Kleinsasser
Logan, Daisy
Sara Orwig
Logan, Ford
D(wight) B(ennett) Newton (1916-)
Logan, Jake
Ernest Grafe
Robert W(ilson) Krepps (1919-1980)
Sheppard Rifkin
Martin Cruz Smith
Logan, Leandra
Mary Schultz
Logan, Mark
Christopher (Robin) Nicole (1930-)
Logan, Matt
David Whitehead
Logan, Sara
June Hayden
Judith Simpson
Logan, William
Larry M(ark) Harris (1933-)
Logue, Christopher
[Count Palmiro Vicarion]
Lohrman, Paul
P(aul) W. Fairman (1916-1977)
Richard S(harpe) Shaver (1907-1975)
Loisette, Prof. A.
Marcus Dwight Larrowe
Lomas, David
Deborah Lake
Lomax, Bliss
Harry Sinclair Drago (1888-1979)
Lombino, Salvatore A. (1926-)
[John Abbott, Curt Cannon, Hunt Collins, Ezra Hannon, Evan Hunter, Richard Marsten, Ed McBain, Craig Rice]
London, Cait
Lois Kleinsasser
London, Hillary
John (& Nancy [Jean?] 1924-) Sawyer (1919-)
London, Jack
John Griffith Chaney (1876-1916)
London, Laura
Sharon & Thomas (Tom) Dale (1952-) Curtis (1951-)
London Physician, A
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Long, Amelia R.
[Patrick Laing, Adrian Reynolds, Mordred Weir]
Long, Frank Belknap Jr. (1903-1994)
[Lyda Belknap Long, Leslie Northern]
Long, Lyda Belknap
Frank Belknap Jr. Long (1903-1994)
Long, Lydia
[L.L. Blackmur]
Long, Margaret Gabrielle Vere Campbell
Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell (1888-1952)
Long, Mrs. Arthur
Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell (1888-1952)
Long, Wesley
George O(liver) Smith (1911-1981)
Long, William
[Will Creed]
Long, William Stuart
Vivian Stuart Mann
Longbaugh, Harry
William Goldman (1931-)
Longbow, Curt
Irene Ord
Longdon, George
Francis G(eorge) Rayer (1921-1981)
Longenecker, Frank Richard
[John Fame]
Longman, Lucille
Arthur Leroy Kaser (1890-1956)
Longrigg, Roger (Erskine) (1929-)
[Megan Barker, Ivor Drummond, Rosalind Erskine, Frank Parrish, Domini Taylor]
Longstreet, Stephen (1907-)
[Thomas Burton, Paul Haggard, David Ormsbee, Henri Weiner]
Longway, A Huge
Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
Lonigan, (George) Thomas
Loomis, Noel Miller (1905-1969)
[Sam Allison, Benj(amin) Miller, Frank Miller, Silas Water(s)]
Loot, Cornelius Van
» (Van Loot, Cornelius) unidentified
Lorac, E.C.R.
Edith C(aroline) Rivett (1894-1958)
Loraine, Philip
Robin Estridge
Loran, Martin
John Baxter (1939-)
Ron Smith
Lord, Diana
[Dawn Reno]
Lord, Douglas
[Doreen Ireland]
Lord, Garland
Isabel Garland
Mindret Lord
Lord, Jeffrey
Lyle Kenyon Engel
Roland Green
R(adell) Faraday Nelson (1931-)
Manning Lee Stokes
Lord, Mindret
[Garland Lord]
Lord, Nancy
Eve Titus (1922-)
Lord, Sheldon
D(onald) E(dwin) Westlake (1933-2008)
Lord, Shirley
Shirley Lord Anderson
Lorenzini, Carlo (1826-1890)
[C(arlo) Collodi]
Lorin, Amii
Joan M. Hohl
Loring, Emilie (1864-1951)
[Josephine Story]
Loring, Peter
Samuel Shellabarger (1888-1954)
Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1875-1929)
Lorne, Charles
Charles Neville Brand
Lorne, David
David L(orne) Hoof (1945-)
Lorne, Warner Van
» (Van Lorne, Warner) F(rederick) Orlin Tremaine
» (Van Lorne, Warner) Nelson Tremaine
Lorrain, Jean
Paul Duval (1856-1906)
Lorraine, Alden
Forrest J(ames) Ackerman (1916-)
Lorraine, Anne
Jane Alan
Lorraine, Lilith
Mary Maude Dunn Wright
Lorraine, Paul
William H.F. Bird
J(ohn) R(ussell) Fearn (1908-1960)
John S(tephen) Glasby (1928-)
Arthur Roberts
Lorrequer, Harry
Charles Lever
Lorrimer, Claire
Patricia Denise Clark (1921-)
Lortac, Robert
Robert Collard (1884-1973)
Los Uerdes, Ramón Felipe ... Alvarez-del Rey
» (de Los Uerdes, Ramón Felipe ... Alvarez-del Rey) Ramón Felipe ... Alvarez-del Rey de Los Uerdes
Lot, Parson
Charles Kingsley
Lothrop, Amy
Anna Bartlett
Lothrup, Harriet Mulford Stone
[Margaret Sidney]
Loti, Pierre
L.M. Julien Viaud (1850-1923)
Lottmane, Eileen
Maud Willis
Louis, Larry
Lamberto Bava
Lourie, Helen
Catherine Storr (1913-)
Loutil, Edmond
[Pierre l'Ermite]
Louvigny, André
André Ruellan (1922-)
Lovecraft, H(oward) P(hillips) (1890-1937)
[Laurence Appleton, John L. Dunne, Harry Houdini, Humphrey Littlewit, Archibald Maynwaring, H(enry) Paget-Lowe, Richard Raleigh, Ames Dorrance Rowley, Theobaldus Senectissimus, Edward Softly, Lewis Jr. Theobold, Albert Frederick Willie, Zoilus]
Lovecraft, Linda
Michael (Patrick) Parry (1947)
Lovehill, C.B.
Charles Leroy Nutt (1929-1967)
Lovell, Marc
Mark McShane (1929-)
Lovesy, Peter (1936-)
[Peter Lear]
Low, Dorothy Mackie
Lois Dorothea Low (1916-)
Low, Lois Dorothea (1916-)
[Zoe Cass, Dorothy Mackie Low, Lois Paxton]
Lowder, Christopher (1945-)
[Jack Adrian]
Lowe, Charlotte
Lowell, Elizabeth
Ann (Elizabeth) Maxwell (1944-)
Lowell, James Russell
[Hosea Biglow]
Lowentrout, Christine I. Smith (1951-)
[Sherwood Smith]
Lowery, Marilyn M.
[Philippa Castle]
Lowes, James O.
Irene Ord
Lowing, Anne
Christine Geach
Lowndes, Marie (Adelaide) Belloc (1868-1947)
[Philip Curtin]
Lowndes, Robert (Augustine) W(ard) (1916-)
[Arthur Cooke, S.D. Gottesman, Carl Greener, Carol Grey, Carl Groener, Henry Josephs, Mallory Kent, Paul Dennis Lavond, John MacDougal, Wilfred Owen Morley, Richard Morrison, Robert Morrison, Michael Sherman, Peter Michael Sherman, Lawrence Woods, Robert Wright]
Lowry, Cheryl Meredith
[Alison Glen]
Lowry, Harold
[Leigh Greenwood]
Lowry, Joan
[Joanna Catlow]
Loxmith, John
John (Kilian Houston) Brunner (1934-1995)
Lucas, E.V.
[E.V. L., V.V. V.]
Lucas, George
Alan Dean Foster
Lucas, J.K.
Lauran Paine (1916-)
Lucas, Victoria
Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
Luceno, James
[Jack McKinney]
Lucey, James D.
[Matthew Pierce]
Lucie-Smith, Edward
[Peter Kershaw]
Lucky, William B.
Belinda P. Osgood
Ludlow, Geoffrey
Laurence (Walter) Meynell (1899-1989)
Ludlum, Robert (1927-)
[Brian House, Jonathon Ryder, Michael Shepherd]
Luellen, Valentine
Judith Anne Polley
Luenn, Nancy
Nancy E. Jones (1954-)
Lufts, Norah
» (Lofts, Nora) Nora Lofts
Luke, Thomas
Graham Masterton (1946-)
Lukeman, Alex
[Alex Dain]
Lukens, Adam
Diane Detzer
Lum, Peter
B.L. Crowe
Lady Bettina Crowe
Luna, Kris
William H.F. Bird
David W(right) O'Brien (1887?-1944)
Lung, Chang
James (Oliver) Jr. Rigney (1948-)
Lunn, H(ugh) K(insgmill) (1889-1949)
[Hugh Kingsmill, Hugh Lunn]
Lunn, Hugh
H(ugh) K(insgmill) Lunn (1889-1949)
Lupoff, Richard
Jean-Louis Lebrid Kerouac (1922-1969)
Lupoff, Richard A(llen) (1935-)
[Addison E. Steele]
Lurgan, Lester
Mabel Winifred Knowles (1875-1949)
Lurie, Alison
Alison Bishop
Luther, Martin
Robert Arthur Gordon Ley (1911-1968)
Luther, Ray
Robert Arthur Gordon Ley (1911-1968)
Lutiy, Major
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lutiy, The Late Major
Edward Alexander Crowley (1875-1947)
Lutyens, Mary (1908-1999)
[Esther Wyndham]
Lutz, Giles A(lfred)
[James B. Chaffin, Wade Everett, Alex Hawk, Hunter, Hunter Ingram, Reese Sullivan, Gene Thompson]
Lutz, John (Thomas) (1939-)
[John Bennett, Tom Collins, Paul Shepparton, Elwin Strange, John Barry Williams]
Lyall, David
Annie S(hepherd) Swan (1859-1943)
Lydia, Myra Henderson (1919-)
[Lydia Davis]
Lyle-Smythe, Alan (1914-)
[Alan Caillou]
Lymington, John
John N(ewton) Chance (1911-1983)
Lynch, Eric
David Ernest Bingley (1920-)
Lynch, Francis
D(avid) G(uy) Compton (1930-)
Lynch, Jane D.
Jane Gaskell Lynch (1941-)
Lynch, Jane Gaskell (1941-)
[Jane Gaskell, Jane D. Lynch]
Lynch, Lawrence
Emma VanDeventer
Lynch, Miriam
[Claire Vincent]
Lyndell, Catherine
Margaret Ball
Lyndon, Barre
Alfred Edgar
Jimmy Sangster
Lyndon, Diana
Diane Antonio
Lynds, Dennis (1924-2005)
[William Arden, Nick Carter, Michael Collins, John Crowe, Carl Dekker, Maxwell Grant, Mark Sadler]
Lynn, Irene
Donald S(ydney) Rowland (1928-)
Lynn, James Broom
[James Quartermain]
Lynn, Margaret
Gladys Starkey Battye
Lynn, Terri
Terri Lynn Wilhelm
Lynson, Jan(e)
Lynn Michaels
Lynton, Ann
Claire (Berenice) Rayner (1931-)
Lyon, Buck
Lauran Paine (1916-)
Lyon, Lymon R.
L(yon) Sprague de Camp (1907-2000)
Lyons, Delphine C.
Evelyn E. Smith
Lyons, Leila
James (J.C.) Conaway
Lyons, Marcus
James (Benjamin) Blish (1921-1975)
Lyre, Pynchbeck
Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
Lyton, Ann
Claire (Berenice) Rayner (1931-)
Lyttle, Eileen Jeannette (1893-1970)
[Eileen J. Garrett]
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer (1831-1891)
[Edward Robert, Earl of Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton, (Lucile) Owen Meredith]
Lytton, Lord
Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton (1831-1891)

